As I sit down on the eve of Inhale’s 2nd
birthday I’m sat on the Cadillac in the studio finishing my dinner
after a day of teaching. I’ve taught in this beautiful space roughly 600
days over the last 2 years, approximately 2400 sessions, and over 300
different beautiful bodies. I have
come from very humble beginnings, teaching Mat Classes at Kiama Downs
Surf Club and offering private equipment sessions on one reformer from a
spare bedroom at home. My beautiful Mum bought me my very first
reformer at the end of 2014 just before Christmas.
Many of my clients would fondly (or maybe not so fondly) remember Marley (my darling energetic 40kg fur baby) joining them whilst they sweated it out in the stifling heat of that room at home. The opportunity to open a studio of my very own was, no joke, a thought that stayed with me every day for a solid couple of years. I quite literally could see it, what it looked like, the energy of the space, the beautiful clients I would connect with. I could FEEL the vision I had. This became key in physically manifesting what I could envision.
I remember opening the door on the first day of business two years ago and thinking “wow, I get to call this work!”. I had worked 6 days a week for a number of years to this point so the demand of running the whole schedule on my own didn’t frighten me but the unknown certainly did. But I TRUSTED. Intuitively everything felt right. I was in the right place doing the right thing at the right time. Thankfully the beautiful Arabella walked through the door 6 months later and lightened my load a little and added her own unique magic to the energy of Inhale, and personally to my life, and for this I will be forever grateful. In this time, two of my long term clients decided to do their Teacher Training and I’ve loved the role of nurturing and teaching them in such a different way from client to student.
I’m at a point of expansion, ready to bring on more, more teachers, more classes. Inhale is on the verge of another big step up and I can feel it. She’s ready for it and so am I. Businesses are certainly not all roses and butterflies and if I’m being truly honest, catch me some days over the last two years and you would have found me rocking back and forth under the front desk crying (you feel me fellow small business owners?). Some days are tough, some weeks and some months are challenging in a multitude of ways and beyond what I could have imagined. I was so green starting out, I made my fair share of mistakes and I won some battles as well. But you know what - I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.
I have been forced to step up, stand up and ultimately stay up. I have grown and stepped far outside what I had categorised as my comfort zone and realised I’m actually a hell of a lot bloody stronger than I thought. I never grew up wanting to be “in business”. I grew up wanting to make a difference. At that time it was making a difference for those who couldn’t ask for it themselves, hence my Animal and Veterinary Bioscience degree. But every single day I make a difference in my current work. Ok I’m crying now (but hey you know how I am). Every. single. day. I get the opportunity to forge relationships with AMAZING people. People from all walks of life. Old. Young. Male. Female. Mums. Dads. Childless individuals. Athletes. Those needing rehab. Those simply needing time out. Those needing maintenance. Those needing that edge in their competitive performance. You name it, I’ve met them in the Inhale studio. The PRIVILEGE to be an ear for people to be heard, to be a voice of empathy and understanding, to be a source of laughter, to be a figure of guidance for people back to emotional and physical health is the greatest gift I could ever ask for not just today and not just this time of year. It’s not the exercises. It’s not even the method of Pilates. It’s the relationships. The laughter. The tears. The hugs (and I’m a freaking good hugger if I do say so myself). The dad jokes. The exchange of intelligent conversation. The COMMUNITY. This is where the magic is.
Thank you to every single person that has walked through the door, and most of which have stayed. YOU are all the reason I get excited to go to “work” every day, that I feel a sense of belonging with my tribe, that I have felt held and supported in my times of need, that I have laughed, cried, hugged, learned and grown. Everything Inhale is is because of you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
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