You're half way

  • By Lauren Whitfield
  • 25 Jul, 2017

This is a subtitle for your new post

We all know the feeling, the new year has arrived, we've had time away from work and the monotony of routine and have been able to create space for ourselves to feel inspired, rejuvenated and refreshed! Yes, bring it on baby! On your to do list, under world domination of course, oh, and fly into space, you've got goals as huge as Donald Trump's ignorance. But what happens when you're running low on fuel and you've only just passed the half way mark of 2017? The mid year slump sneaks up on us all as we've pushed, driven and "run the world" with Beyoncé for the last 6 months and all of a sudden exhaustion has caught us in the rat race. Don't despair, look yourself in the mirror and remind yourself of the reality that YOU ARE HUMAN and it's totally ok to not be running at full speed All. The. Time. The moon exchanges with the sun, the ocean tides rise and fall and morning turns to night just like you ebb and flow in your energy, in your drive, in your mood and in your life. Let me remind you (and myself for that matter!) that this is NORMAL and it is ok to rest and recoup, and then start again.

Use this time wisely to check in with yourself and create space for more growth, more positive movement and more inspiration in your life. If we don't allow this time, we either stagnate or potentially even go backwards as we begin dipping downwards in a negative spiral of reduced energy and zest for why you started in the first place.

Check in with yourself first, then check in with your why. Looking back at those goals (ok maybe we won't get to space.....this year), close your eyes and take yourself back to why those goals and drivers meant so much to you in the first place. When we remind ourselves of our why, we automatically energetically refuel and set ours lives back on the path to progress. For Oprah her mission statement is "to be a teacher" and to inspire her students to be more than they thought they could be. For Richard Branson, it's about "fun in my journey through life, and to learn from my mistakes". What is your why? Be clear on your values, your purpose and what keeps you curious. For me personally it's about connecting with likeminded people, inspiring others to be the best version of THEMSELVES (not a copy of someone else) and to educate others how to move and feel better in their bodies and their minds (of course this "work" includes work on myself.)

In order for me to successfully accomplish my why, I have to fill myself up first. If I am low, if I am depleted, if I am down, how can I be of service to anyone? The old Buddhist quote of "if your compassion does not include yourself it is incomplete" rings true to me when I look at my why. This is why, as I have done, I encourage you to take some time this weekend for yourself. Whatever action will fill you up to the brim I want you to put it at the very top of your to do list. This may mean sitting down for a couple of hours with a cup of tea and a good book, maybe a bush walk in the rainforest or along the beach, maybe a solid 10km run, painting, walking your dog, gardening or spending time with your partner or friends. Whatever it is, I want you to ensure that it is a priority for you this weekend. Then sit down and go over your goals, personal and professional and assess where you're at and where you need to go.

Once you've checked in, take a long hard look again in the mirror and remind yourself that you're doing a bloody good job at life, that you are beautiful beyond measure and you are deserving of all the good that will come your way. Yes YOU! At the end of the day if you can lay your head on the pillow knowing that you were kind and honest to yourself and kind and honest to others, everything is as it should be.

Keep moving forward in the direction of your dreams, it's ok to be shifting constantly between 2nd and 5th gear.

Where there is no struggle, there is no strength. Trust the process and know that the Universe has your back!

Lauren x

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