Legacy - In loving memory of Scott

  • By Lauren Whitfield
  • 25 Sep, 2018

Life is short. Buckle yourself in and enjoy the ride!

Firstly, I would like to apologise that this particular blog post is so tardy from my last. Ok thats a massive understatement, not just tardy, a year between posts (EEK!). I have had some personal things that required me to prioritise myself and self care above all of the attention to social media and working ON my business as all I could suffice was working IN my business and managing the rest of my life. Its been a year full of ups and downs but I am thrilled to be back to my energetic self and to have the time and energy to sit down and write this. Thank you for your understanding. This blog post is highly emotive and personal for me and I hope it evokes something for you too.

Life is short. Buckle yourself in and enjoy the ride!

At the beginning of the year I had a middle aged gentleman book an Initial Consultation to get on top of his reoccurring back pain. Scott was quietly humble and we spoke about his body history and his musculoskeletal pathology and then got to work. To try and make people feel more confident in what can seem like an intimidating environment - from what I have been repeatedly told “a torture chamber”- My way of trying to make people feel comfortable is generally to make a silly joke - insert either a corny “Dad Joke” or often - “We’re going to put your feet in straps now and work on your lower leg musculature, this is where it gets a bit 50 shades of grey!” with a sarcastic wink. On this particular occasion Scott gave me a very subtle smirk and when he left I thought “bugger, he didn’t get my humour”. Later that week Scott emailed me to book his next 10 sessions and in that email he had left me a funny Dad joke which read “Why did the scarecrow win an award? - Because he was outstanding in his field”. I thought “Yes! He DID get my humour”, and felt happy I had done more than offered this man movement prescription, but that I had been able to build a rapport where we could exchange jokes. Over the next 20 sessions Scott and I exchanged book recommendations and Dad Jokes during each of his visits to the studio, as well as attended to and reduced the incidence of his back pain that he had put up with for years. He was feeling stronger and his beautiful wife reported that “Scott is loving his pilates programme and that it is challenging him and is looking forward to the health and wellness benefits as a result”. I was thrilled!

When I opened Inhale, as you have read in my very first blog post, my aim was not simply to offer a place where people work out, fix their aches and pains, get stronger and more flexible, but that it became a COMMUNITY, a place where people felt comfortable to be themselves, to have a laugh, to open up, be heard, supported and a part of something more than simply an exercise regime. It is ALWAYS a two way energy exchange. For whatever positive impact I am able to offer to my clients, I receive that positivity and happiness in bucket loads in return and my “work” bucket is so full to the brim because of wonderful people like Scott. When Scott finished his 20 sessions and his back was feeling better he informed me he would see how it goes for a while and let me know if he needs to come back if or when his back was playing up. He shook my hand as he left, looked me in the eyes with a big smile and stated “It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know you Lauren, thank you for all your help with my body”. We parted ways and I felt happy I had done my job and that I had made an impact in someones life, however small. Scott emailed me a week or so later knowing I had some personal business to be attending to and in his email wrote these wise words which I will treasure close to my heart always, “I trust that things went well for you - the road of good intentions isn’t travelled by many or often”.

This was the last time I spoke to Scott. It is the last time I will ever speak to this wonderfully authentic and humble man. Two weeks ago I was informed by one of my other beautiful clients that Scott had tragically and unexpectedly passed away. My heart sank. Death and the finality of it frightens the shit out of me, and to be raw and honest, I’ve lost 4 people very close to me in the last 5 years and so naturally, it provokes that same feeling of anxiety for me. It is so hard for me to understand the nature of being here, a living breathing walking soul, one minute, and gone the next. I went home to my Mum that night upset and as we always do, thinking back on the last exchange of words Scott and I had had. That same week I was speaking with one of my other beautiful clients who knows Scott and his family well (six degrees of separation on the south coast). I was telling her how much I loved our sessions together and how we would exchange books and jokes and in particular how I had referred Scott onto this book which many people I’m sure are sick of hearing me rant on about - Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsh. It honestly changed my life in the last 9 months and my perspective on the world. I was still reading the trilogy when Scott and his wife went on holidays with friends and came back and he had finished the extensive read! I was so pleased he had loved it and enjoyed it as much as I was. She stopped me in my story stating that she had to tell me what had happened. She went over to see Scott’s wife earlier the week before and sorting through some things with her when Scott’s wife picked up a book and said to my client “you have to read this book, Conversations with God. Scott had had certain challenges during his upbringing and always had lots of questions about life but I know that wherever he has gone, he has gone there in peace and with the answers he always sought.” We stood there with tears in our eyes and the hair on my arms was standing on end. The smallest interaction of exchanging a book that impacted me had brought such an impact and positivity to someone else. My work had meaning. I wasn’t just providing a movement experience. I was helping people beyond that.

I hope that when I leave the world, I leave as authentically myself, as humble and quietly confident as Scott. It got me thinking about what legacy I want left behind. What legacy do YOU want left behind? When you leave your earth suit, what did you contribute to those around you, to the environment, to the world? What will people be thinking about you as the music comes on and the curtains close? I hope that I live and am remembered as being perfectly imperfect. I hope I am remembered for being there for people in their times of need, that I was kind and thoughtful, honest, transparent, courageous, opinionated, loving, vulnerable, genuine. I hope people remember I lived my life wearing my heart on my sleeve, the big softie that I am with a big heart, an easy cryer, a good hugger, a determined, bold and generally happy person. I hope people laugh at my funeral remembering how bad I was at telling jokes, how slow I was at getting jokes and my inability to correctly pronounce words like Calendula or Jus. I hope people joke wondering if I am buried with my Dyson vacuum cleaner and recall my mild tendencies of OCD with a giggle. I hope by the time I reach this final destination I have created life, loved and raised them far more perfectly imperfect than I could ever aspire to be and they are equipped with the skills and confidence to positively contribute to the world and those around them after I am gone as I hope to do until that point.

What can you do today to GIVE, not TAKE. What small gesture of kindness may you look back on as being huge in another persons life? What legacy do you want to leave? What will people say about you when you are gone? How can you live that legacy every. single. day. until that time comes? Life is short. Stop right now and look around you at all the beauty. Do not wait until tomorrow to tell someone you love them, appreciate them and are grateful to have them as part of your life. Tomorrow may never come. Don’t be shy to tell someone you love their smile, their dress, their laugh. If you were not to see tomorrow, what would you do today?


Live your life every single day as if it might be your last. Because it might. None of us know what is around the corner. And its ALL just around the corner. So be bold, love with everything you have, don’t leave anything left over and above all, be kind.

I want to thank Scott for the mark he left on my heart and credit him for living a life well lived, for being authentically himself and for giving much much more than he took. I want to send my most loving condolences to his wife and two children. I am SO grateful to have met your Husband and Dad.

By Lauren Whitfield December 19, 2018
As I sit down on the eve of Inhale’s 2nd birthday I’m sat on the Cadillac in the studio finishing my dinner after a day of teaching. I’ve taught in this beautiful space roughly 600 days over the last 2 years, approximately 2400 sessions, and over 300 different beautiful bodies. I have come from very humble beginnings, teaching Mat Classes at Kiama Downs Surf Club and offering private equipment sessions on one reformer from a spare bedroom at home. My beautiful Mum bought me my very first reformer at the end of 2014 just before Christmas.
By Lauren Whitfield July 25, 2017
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By Lauren Whitfield January 1, 2017
As I sit down on the very first day of a brand new year to put fingers to keyboard I paused for a moment to really think about what the first day of a new year really evokes for myself and many others. An entire new year - 365 days of new opportunities. It gave me the opportunity to think back on the last 365 days of come and gone moments and I had the time to reflect.
By Lauren Whitfield October 18, 2016
Wow! So here I am writing our first blog post... on our brand new website.... for our beautiful new Pilates studio. THIS. IS. HAPPENING! We have dreamed, spoken of, written down, calculated, anticipated and fallen asleep to thoughts of this day for much longer than 2016. This is been a long awaited plan in the making and we are so thrilled to welcome you to Inhale Pilates.
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