Our beautiful new Pilates studio

  • By Lauren Whitfield
  • 18 Oct, 2016

Wow! So here I am writing our first blog post... on our brand new website.... for our beautiful new Pilates studio. THIS. IS. HAPPENING! We have dreamed, spoken of, written down, calculated, anticipated and fallen asleep to thoughts of this day for much longer than 2016. This is been a long awaited plan in the making and we are so thrilled to welcome you to Inhale Pilates. These are the moments in life we reflect back on, those big events that get your heart racing a little faster, the smile on your face increasing and this giddiness of anticipation that starts to build inside you. Don't get me wrong these sorts of big moments in your life when you look back on, and this particular one is no different, are also a hell of amount of work, stress, tears and heated discussions. But I think the defining line is that these big changes make life better rather than worse and that absolute sheer pause of reflection to really think "Wow this is happening to me, I am so freaking blessed!" are the defining difference between "hell yes!" and "mmmm no". At 28 years old, this is one of those big moments in life for us. This truly is dream come true material and we are beyond the definition of the word happy to share this physical creation of our dream with you, our community.

Let me also take a moment to verbally recognise that these big life events simply do not occur because we put our heads together as a team and came up with a plan that we have now executed. They happen because a community of people - our friends and family firstly, our clientele, and our Kiama community get behind us, they back us and believe in us and and therefore this transformation, this growth of a business and the end result being a stunning community space to move your body in - is ultimately a massive result of a much bigger group of people than just Mitch and I. So I would like to thank you all. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your love and support. Not only within our community but across the globe! The exceptional human who built this website in Hawaii for us, built our Coming Soon page on pure trust in a fellow human being. We didn't yet have the financial position we were needing to pay her for another 2 weeks and yet she put together our page on pure genuine trust that we would pay her when we said we would. That in itself is truly special. The builders on site have lent us tools, advice and a bit of humour when we have had questions a little out of our depth. Our family has held our hand and encouraged us through thick and thin. And you our clients and community are on this journey with us, as excited as we are, and coming along for the ride. We are the definition of blessed (there may even be a picture of us in the dictionary next to the word!).

We recently went to a friends wedding the other weekend and the speeches made that night genuinely stayed in my mind for days following. I just kept tossing them around in my brain and running over the words said particularly by the grooms father. He stated something very obvious that we most certainly all know, but that we often definitely all forget at times - "When you look back on your life it is the people that you surround yourself with and who you associate yourself with that make your life good or great". It really got me reflecting on some things at this pivotal changing point in our lives and I started to look 40-50-60 years ahead and started to work backwards in what I wanted to reflect back on as an 80 year old. For this reason, Inhale Pilates is not simply a business for us, we hope that it grows to become a beautiful community space for people to not only move their bodies, improve their movement patterns and feel strong but also a supportive space whereby people can speak openly, trust others, learn and make lifelong friendships in a sanctuary where you can unplug but recharge. Life is short, lets simplify and reconnect.

Welcome home to yourself and welcome to Inhale Pilates.

Lauren x

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