New Year. New You

  • By Lauren Whitfield
  • 01 Jan, 2017

What did you see? What do you desire?

As I sit down on the very first day of a brand new year to put fingers to keyboard I paused for a moment to really think about what the first day of a new year really evokes for myself and many others. An entire new year - 365 days of new opportunities. It gave me the opportunity to think back on the last 365 days of come and gone moments and I had the time to reflect. This exact time last year Mitch and I were sat at this very computer putting together our ideas, hopes and dreams for the year ahead and formulating through figures and research the prospect of opening our very own Pilates studio. Was it possible? At that time we really didn’t know as yet, we still had so much consulting to do with various parties and many more numbers to add to various spreadsheets. Yet, here I am today again sitting at this computer, having had our very first week of being open in “the dream” that is our Pilates studio and taking the time to reflect on the journey, and it made this blog post on the 1st January 2017 so much more valuable.

What is it that you want for yourself for 2017? 365 days. 365 new opportunities. 365 pages of a book still yet unwritten. I encourage you to take a moment right now. Don’t read on any further, but simply close your eyes wherever you are and picture what you choose to reflect back on in exactly 1 year from now on the 1st January 2018?

What did you see? What do you desire? That is the first step to creating the life of your dreams. Dream it. See it. Believe that it is possible and then reach out with both hands and collect.

Ok, so there is of course a lot more work than that involved. You don’t simply sit on the lounge eating a block of chocolate and bam! That fit, strong, healthy, sexy body is yours! You don’t sit at your computer on Pinterest or Instagram virtually designing your dream life, dream partner, dream career and BAM, it’s yours! No, we are all a lot savvier than that. Yes it is a lot of work. And yeah it does involve sacrifices sometimes. But if the desire for whatever it is that you want more of in your life is strong enough, as a broad guide if you believe it first, you see it and of course you work for it, you can achieve it. You literally are the artist, now is the time to start painting your masterpiece.

“Now” being the key word here. As fleeting and passing as “now” is, it is always within reach, every moment is a chance to turn it all around, to redirect the vehicle you are driving, to change habits, behaviours and patterns that are not serving your greater good, your higher destiny, your dreams, whatever you want to call it - now is the time.

How freaking exciting is the thought of 365 untouched days of possibility!! Sit down right now and put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and write out the 3 things that are your utmost priority for 2017. Dream big, I dare you! Maybe it is to start that dream career you sit at your unfulfilling desk job dreaming of? Maybe it is to be the fittest and healthiest version of you possible? Maybe it is to save up to afford that dream holiday/house/business you fall asleep at night dreaming of? Whatever it is, put it down in writing RIGHT NOW!

Ok, so now break that dream down into smaller steps and a timeframe to achieve those small steps in. Maybe it is to simply start networking and building relationships with people in the industry of your dream career? Maybe it is to start having an alkalising squeeze of lemon in your water first thing in the morning or getting up that half an hour early to fit in a run/swim/pilates (yes I am biased) session? Maybe it is to save up a certain amount of finance within a certain time frame to get you on your way to affording that big purchase. WHATEVER it is. Start now. Start with what you have and as long as you are moving in the right direction, at whatever pace, your dream is becoming that much closer, moment by moment, each of the next 365 days of this year.

Now that is something to jump out of bed for in the morning! In fact, don’t wait until the morning. Start NOW. You are the artist of your own life. I truly believe that. And getting things down in writing really cements those thoughts in your mind into something tangible. You can literally see it. Having a factual, black and white mind myself, I always look for the science to back what I believe to be true and here it is -Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at Dominican University in California, did a study on goal-setting with 267 participants. She found that you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down. That’s right 42% more likely!! Writing things down forces you to clarify what it is exactly that you want your life, your legacy, to look like and by seeing it in front of you it motivates you to take action.

So here you are - 365 days of new opportunities, experiences not yet lived, people not yet met and dreams waiting for you to reach out and claim them.

Get out of bed that hour earlier to live that hour more | Drink more H2O (if you can afford a water filter or better yet an Alkaway Fill2Pure to alkalise and ionize your water - even better!) | Be. Kind. Always. | Love yourself | Write those goals down on paper | Back yourself | Have confidence that you are doing pretty awesome at life | Move your body in whatever way lights you up | Eat your vegetables | Have some time away from technology (in fact this is something I hope to incorporate into my 2017 - a technology shut down on Sundays) | Get barefoot on the earth or in the ocean | Slow down | Learn lessons | Accept challenges | Look after the planet | Look after each other | Stress less | Go to bed earlier | Prioritise rest | Eat organic where possible for both yourself and the planet | Trust that the universe has your back | Don’t look back, you aren’t going that way | Take care of your family | Have perspective | Make more love | Educate yourself | Mind your own business | Do one thing everyday that scares you | Pay it forward | Prepare your food for the week ahead | If you haven’t got anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all | Lift one another up - there is enough room for us all to make it I promise | Read books | Get Sweaty | Don’t judge, everyone is fighting their own battles | Stay positive | Nourish your temple | Laugh | Make a difference, big or small | Love | Respect your foundations | Look after each other, we are all in this together | Grow your own food where possible | Take care of your gut health | Look after your skin | Wear sunscreen | See a therapist to attend to those body niggles | Set intentions | Believe in yourself, you’ve got this |

May 2017 be one that you reflect back on in exactly one years time with a warmth in your heart and satisfaction in your soul. I will strive to be doing exactly that.

Lauren x

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